I’m Anthony Colangelo.

I used to write frequently, but now it’s just occasionally.

Formerly: A List Apart, Cognition, Main Engine Cut Off.

Arbitrary Spin and Damage Control

Main Engine Cut Off

I know, Schiaparelli wasn’t the primary mission. I know, you have to work hard to inform the public and those who hold the purse strings that ExoMars 2016 as a whole is still a success (so far).

Photos and Videos from OA-5

Main Engine Cut Off

I’m still excited about the Antares return to flight earlier this week, and am looking forward to Cygnus’ arrival this upcoming weekend. I finally finished uploading my photos and videos of the OA-5 launch.

Antares Beyond Cygnus

Main Engine Cut Off

I’ll be interested in what kinds of missions Antares launches in the future, and how viable a market it could be for Orbital ATK. Antares—due to its launch site and payload capacity—has a somewhat limited mission scope. We don’t yet know what they’d sell launches for, so that’s the big variable here.

The SpaceX Discount

Main Engine Cut Off

In response to this, I saw a lot of people scoffing and saying “Only 10 percent? They had said 30!” The sentiment seemed to be that SpaceX missed their mark and can’t offer a 30 percent reduction right now, rather than realizing that they are making a sensible decision.

Thanks to September Patrons

Main Engine Cut Off

Thanks to my patrons for the month of September. If you’re getting some value out of what I do here and want to send a little value back to help support Main Engine Cut Off, head over to Patreon and donate as little as $1 a month—every little bit helps.

OA-5 Schedule and Coverage Plans

Main Engine Cut Off

Scheduling the launch for the last slot in the initial window without a comment doesn’t express a lot of confidence. Rollout is scheduled for Tuesday (October 11), at which point the storm should be well out of the way.