I’m Anthony Colangelo.

I host Main Engine Cut Off and Off-Nominal.

Formerly: Quirks & Compulsions and The Multilogue.

Episode 66 - My Next One is “Fiction”


Lori Garver, former NASA Deputy Administrator, champion of commercial spaceflight, and longtime space pirate, joins Jake and Anthony to discuss her upcoming book “Escaping Gravity” and to tell some stories from her incredible career.

Episode 64 - In Between is Hot Topic


Engineer, Consultant and STEM evangelist Lauren Lyons joins Jake and Anthony to talk about her diverse career at SpaceX, Blue Origin and Firefly, and the unique and interesting paths the space industry can take you on.

Episode T+217: Artemis Accords, with Mike Gold

Main Engine Cut Off

Mike Gold, Executive Vice President of Civil Space Business Development and External Affairs at Redwire, joins me to talk about his previous role at NASA, where he served as Associate Administrator for Space Policy and Partnerships, and was the driving influence behind the Artemis Accords.

Episode 61 - Santa Claus is Hypersonic


Brian Weeden, Director of Program Planning for Secure World Foundation, joins Jake and Anthony to talk about the recent ASAT testing ban announced by Vice President Harris, and the effects the space industry has been having on the war in Ukraine.