I’m Anthony Colangelo.

I host Main Engine Cut Off and Off-Nominal.

Formerly: Quirks & Compulsions and The Multilogue.

Episode 77 - Accidental Shareholder


Jake and Anthony are joined by Matthew Russell of the The Interplanetary Podcast to talk about his trip to French Guiana to commentate the first launch of Vega C.

Episode T+228: Artemis I, Act I

Main Engine Cut Off

Artemis I scrubbed its way through its first and second launch attempts, and is now undergoing repairs on the pad, ahead of its next launch attempt. I talk about the initial attempts, general thoughts on where we’re at with this program, where it’s headed in the future, and what public reactions to Artemis I have been.

Episode 76 - Walter Cronkite was Faking It


Jake and Anthony are joined by Rae Paoletta, Editorial Director at The Planetary Society, to tell some stories from their trip to Artemis 1, the Off-Nominal meetups, and Rae’s encounter with a snake owner, licensed in the state of Florida.

Episode 75 - Four of Us Married Each Other


Jake and Anthony are joined by Emily Calandrelli, speaker, writer, and Emmy-Nominated Host of Emily's Wonder Lab, to talk about the Brooke Owens Fellowship, which is just about to start recruiting the next class of students, and everything else she is up to lately.

Episode 74 - All the Garys We Know


With just a single weekend remaining between us and Artemis 1, Jake and Anthony pregame the launch, mission, and meetups, and talk about the Artemis program overall.

Episode T+227: Astrobee, Free-Flying Robots on the ISS (with Jonathan Barlow)

Main Engine Cut Off

Jonathan Barlow from the NASA Ames Research Center joins me to talk about Astrobee—the free-flying robots on the International Space Station that test new technologies, sensors, and operations, and assist astronauts and mission controllers alike. Jonathan is the Astrobee Lead Engineer and has been with the program since the beginning, so we go way back to its origins and talk in-depth about what the robots are up to today on the ISS.