Going Independent

Today is my last day at Big Cartel. I’m going independent to do more Main Engine Cut Off, more Off-Nominal, to build some apps of my own, and to round all that out with a good bit of client work—which could include you! If you’ve got an app or a site or really anything digital to build, hit me up and let’s work together.

I’ll fill you in on those projects in a bit, but first I have to send a huge thank you to everyone at Big Cartel. It’s a special place full of the most thoughtful people building the most honest software you could imagine. It’s also a place that not only put up with my various, sometimes weird space projects, but actively embraced and supported them.

I would not be in the position I am right now to make this jump if not for the way Big Cartel supports the creative endeavors of everyone that works there. I’ll be forever thankful for that.

It’s been seven years and four major versions of the app—including some really fun-to-build and quirky-but-useful takes on it—but it’s time to move on and try some new things out.

More Space for Space

I started Main Engine Cut Off about five and a half years ago, released the 206th episode today, have put out hundreds of Headlines shows to hundreds of patrons, and yet I still feel like I’m just getting started. I want to do more of all that content I already put out, and I want to try new things, too. I want to travel to more conferences and launches and factories and whatever else is of interest to me. I want to keep MECO growing.

Off-Nominal is a bit younger, but Jake and I are already trying a bunch of new things over there. We’ve been streaming live on YouTube each month for the past year and a half, and we started a new, weekly live show—Off-Nominal Happy Hour—just a few weeks ago. We’re going to see where it takes us, but it’s already feeling so good and refreshing to try something new.

I’m so excited to be able to put even more of my time and energy into both MECO and Off-Nominal in 2022, and I hope you come along for the ride!

Let’s Work Together

For the past few years’ worth of nights and weekends (less so weekends since my son came along in 2020), I’ve been working with clients small and large, local and international, on projects equally as diverse over at Dot First. I truly did miss client work after I left Happy Cog at the end of 2014, and I’m excited to make that more of a regular thing that I do with my work time.

If you’re looking for a team to work with on an app, or a site, or something that spans multiple platforms, reach out and let’s talk. In recent times, we’ve worked with clients such as Dark Sky, Toyota Connected, WeatherBuild, W. L. Gore, and we would love to add you to that list.


Time to do some great work. I can’t wait to get going in this new phase.