I’m Anthony Colangelo.

I speak about technology, software development, and occasionally other topics.

Knowledge vs. Intelligence


The difference between knowledge and intelligence is an extremely important one. Knowledge is the collection of skills and information a person has acquired through experience. Intelligence is the ability to apply knowledge. Watch the video of my talk.

Javascript Design Patterns

Philadelphia Javascript Developers

There are some simple JavaScript design patterns that developers of any level can start using to improve their code. These aren’t process-altering changes—just minor tweaks that make code more reusable, extensible, and understandable.

Template Organization in Craft

Craft CMS Summit

Craft’s Matrix is a game changer in the age-old battle between art-directed content and WYSIWYG editors. Matrix blocks, together with Twig’s template inheritance and multiple includes, provides us incredible power and flexibility within our templates.

The Right Toolbox

Peers Conf

Choosing the right tool for the job sometimes means bringing along a whole toolbox. I’ll show how a complex back-end system was built with Craft, Laravel, Redis, and more, all working in harmony.

Javascript Design Patterns

Jersey Shore Tech

There are some simple JavaScript design patterns that developers of any level can start using to improve their code. These aren’t process-altering changes—just minor tweaks that make code more reusable, extensible, and understandable.