I’m Anthony Colangelo.

I used to write frequently, but now it’s just occasionally.

Formerly: A List Apart, Cognition, Main Engine Cut Off.

Juno was a success—but there is precious little coming after it

Main Engine Cut Off

Our political system is increasingly incapable of supporting a thriving national space program. Congress battling the executive branch tooth and nail for Orion/SLS and the Europa mission is only the tip of the iceberg. Factor in the massive amounts of pork and governmental overhead…it runs away from you quickly.

Cruz Calls Hearing on Future of Space Under New Administration

Main Engine Cut Off

The Space, Science, And Competitiveness subcommittee has scheduled a hearing next Wednesday, titled “NASA at a Crossroads: Reasserting American Leadership in Space Exploration.” Seems like a hearing that will be filled with desperate pleas to the future president to avoid another cancellation.