I’m Anthony Colangelo.

I used to write frequently, but now it’s just occasionally.

Formerly: A List Apart, Cognition, Main Engine Cut Off.

GAO Report Indicates EM-2 Plans to Fly Crew

Main Engine Cut Off

Sounds like there’s been some internal debating, and the Astronaut Office must now be fine with flying EM-2 with the EUS without having flown previously, contrary towhat I’ve been talking about this week regarding the future roadmap of SLS.

NASA Selects New Technologies for Flight Tests

Main Engine Cut Off

Included in this round of 13 payloads selected for the Flight Opportunities program is PlanetVac from Honeybee Robotics, flying on a Masten lander. PlanetVac could be an incredible (and wonderfully simple) solution for a sample return mission.

NASA-Blue Origin Orbital Space Act Agreement

Main Engine Cut Off

Things are starting to heat up surrounding Blue Origin’s orbital plans, and I expect to hear more sometime soon—especially with the BE-4 nearing its full-up test. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Blue Origin enter the competition for the next round of NASA cargo and crew contracts.